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Saturday, October 16


The Princess and The Frog

It's been long time I didn't post about myself. How am I? I'm fine :) struggling with my final project, designing "SPA Resort for Women in Bali" (I'm an architecture student). Last week, I got really bored and tired, so I made a pencil sketch, The Princess and The Frog - my version

(Click to enlarge)

So what do you think about that sketch? That's not Disney version. Hope you like it :) Actually, there's a story behind that sketch. Why I made that sketch? Hmm I'll tell you later. Now, I have to work on my final project :)


Anak Nelayan said...

nice info friend

fazrul arhan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
fazrul arhan said...

You have a great talent..like the way you add the details, i'm loving this!
If you have a time,do visit my new drawing post too & gimme your thought,thx:
Sungai Pengkalan Kubor(Edited Version)

Amelia said...

@anak nelayan : I didn't give any info in this post. please don't spam

@fazrul : Thanks :) visiting yours ^_^

Hip Hop Swagga said...

Thank you for joing our site. We look forward to seeing comments & suggestions. Stop by again soon !

Steven Luck said...

Click to enlarge? Is it clickable? :-s

Btw, nice sketch, just that if I didn't see the title of the picture, I won't notice there's a little frog there... Hihihi ^^v So, how's Mr. Frog doing? Hahahahaha :P

Amelia said...

@hiphopswagga : you're welcome :) love your site also
@steven : ahaha I just noticed it this morning that's not clickable. Okay edited it. Yeah the frog is toooooo small.. LOL.. Even Mr. Frog said so, "I'm too small !" LOL

Glan said...

You're doin a very good job! btw what kind of story behind that sketch? :). I'll visit your blog again soon. Just Keep up the good work! :)

Amelia said...

@Glan : Thanks ! :D Hohoho.. just wait :) I still have no free time right now :( Promise will write it :)

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