It's been long time I didn't post about myself. How am I? I'm fine :) struggling with my final project, designing "SPA Resort for Women in Bali" (I'm an architecture student). Last week, I got really bored and tired, so I made a pencil sketch, The Princess and The Frog - my version

(Click to enlarge)
So what do you think about that sketch? That's not Disney version. Hope you like it :) Actually, there's a story behind that sketch. Why I made that sketch? Hmm I'll tell you later. Now, I have to work on my final project :)
nice info friend
You have a great the way you add the details, i'm loving this!
If you have a time,do visit my new drawing post too & gimme your thought,thx:
Sungai Pengkalan Kubor(Edited Version)
@anak nelayan : I didn't give any info in this post. please don't spam
@fazrul : Thanks :) visiting yours ^_^
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Click to enlarge? Is it clickable? :-s
Btw, nice sketch, just that if I didn't see the title of the picture, I won't notice there's a little frog there... Hihihi ^^v So, how's Mr. Frog doing? Hahahahaha :P
@hiphopswagga : you're welcome :) love your site also
@steven : ahaha I just noticed it this morning that's not clickable. Okay edited it. Yeah the frog is toooooo small.. LOL.. Even Mr. Frog said so, "I'm too small !" LOL
You're doin a very good job! btw what kind of story behind that sketch? :). I'll visit your blog again soon. Just Keep up the good work! :)
@Glan : Thanks ! :D Hohoho.. just wait :) I still have no free time right now :( Promise will write it :)
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