Today, at a shopping mall near my home, I saw a couple that caught my eyes. Not because their clothes, not because their money (LOL), but because their age. Both of them are old, maybe around 70-80 years old. They walk around the mall and held each other's hand. Sometimes they have to stop because the woman need a little rest. I watching them from far while eating my potato balls. Then I saw something that I won't forget....
When the woman stopped, her husband said something to her. I couldn't hear what he said to her, but the woman pointed at her leg. Maybe her leg's hurt. Then her husband said something again and pointed a seat. That woman looked at where her husband pointing at and thought for a while, before she smiled to her husband and began to walk. That man slipped his hand to her arm and help her walk to the nearest seat.That moment happened less than 5 minutes. But that was enough. I saw them walked to their seat slowly, not disturbed by the crowd. They talked at each other and sometimes with a little laugh. It's like they just met each other yesterday ! If someone talked about, "True Love Never Ends", that's them ! Even though they are not young anymore, their eyes said I Love You. Even though they are not young anymore, when they smiled at each other, I saw the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.
I'm so thankful that my Dad came late. If not, maybe I couldn't see this "less than 5 minutes" moment today. Less than 5 minutes, maybe just 2 minutes but enough to taught me about "True Love" more than any best seller books and talk show about Love in this world :)
*********True Love Never Ends**********
for each minute in our life is worthy, it's a blessing you could see such a wonderful thing and share it with us
yeah, I agree with u
Love forever
@foodphilo : Yeah, it's just a short moment, but it worth
@facebook : Thank you :)
email ke aku aja mau nlis apaan... neh emailnya :
i really agree
of course agree, good post, bye.
@sismadi : email apa?
@multyone & Javabisnis99 : What do you agree at??
maksudnya setuju klo cinta sejati tdk akan pernah berakhir, gitu lowh sob. ok
hehehe, mesra sekali gambarnya, biarpun dah pada tua, tapi masih tetap hangat dalam balutan kasih sayang :D
@javabisnis : ooohhh.. Ahahah maap.. rada lola nih :p
@newgames : iya ^_^ seneng liatnya :) pingin bisa kayak gitu loh
What a touching story.
I am sure that every one wants to
live forever with their loving partner.
For which purpose they should maintain
their love in everything they do.
Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
What a romantic couple :P
I should become like that, when i am 90th years old with my 5 wife
Oops, that is my wild dream hahaha.
Ya Allah so sweet....
@multibrand : thanks multibrang :) me too :) I wish I can live together with my loving partner forever.. and only death can separate us
@deddy irawan : Wooopss.. that's wild buddy :)
@antok : Yap, it's so sweet, isn't it ? :)
it's true ame... true love will never ends... it's true ;-)
itulah cinta sejati, sampe nenek2 tetap tidak berubah, perlu ditiru bro..
mudahan saja kita semua bisa meniru mereka yaa, meskipun sudah tua tetap saling menjaga dan mencintai. amin
@andi wong : Ya, it's true :) And I hope I'll find my true love too
@rumah blogger : Yap :) meski sulit.. tapi aku akan berusaha kyk gitu >_< aihh bisa gak yah?
@sabrinnet : iya nih :) Kalo bisa kyk mereka kan bahagia banget ya :)
indeed, something proven that love is high,bright,huge ...
maka dari itu. BEKERJA KERAS lah untuk membahagiakan orang yang kita cinta. karna tercapainya IMPIAN sejajar dengan KERJA KERAS.
@kerja keras : :D Yap, I agree with you :) if we don't work hard, we won't get anything :)
hmmm i like ur post, really useful :) Tq 4 sharing :)
@aulawi ahmad : Thanks :) I like to share it..
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