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Wednesday, June 24


How to delete Browser Adware Extensions from Google Chrome

Few weeks ago I downloaded some softwares and accidentally put Adware Extensions in my Google Chrome. I've tried so many things from extensions setting, ADWCleaner, Malwarebytes Anti-malware, to Hitman Pro, NOTHING works!! Adware Siileicopoune/Sileicopoune keep popping ads joyfully in my Chrome. After reading so many pages in internet, I finally found the solution through "Regedit.exe". Is it totally works? Unfortunately, not much, since this adware can't be found in regedit. Today I found a good page and it WORKS!! Hoooraaaayy, Bye-bye Sileicopoune (or should I say, "SillyAdscoupone!")!! So I thought I'll share this little tutorial about how to delete Browser Adware in Google Chrome to you. This also works to delete Adware that's installed by Interprise Policy of Chrome

First of all, I forgot to capture the process while I deleting ADware, so I'll just use example of another extensions, "Adblock". Okay, this is just an example. I didn't recommend you to delete Adblock because this is the most useful and effective extensions to block Ads, at least for me.

Stop chit-chatting, let's get started !

1. Open our extensions by type Chrome://extensions or click Chrome menu button on the upper right, go to More tool, then click Extensions. Click on Developer tools to view the details. Find the extension, copy the ID and click the garbage icon. It's not finished yet. Keep going


2. If you are using Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP, click on the Start button, then in the search box, type: regedit.exe and click on Regedit as seen below.
If you are using Windows 8, drag your mouse to the right edge of your screen, then type in the the search box: regedit.exe and click on Regedit.
For shortcut, you can press Windows Key + R to open the Run box, then type Regedit.exe to open Windows Registry Editor

The Registry Editor window should now open, then we will clik on Edit and select Find Next from the drop down menu. Alternatively, we can press F3

3. The Search box will be opened. Now we paste or type the Registry ID of the extension and click Find Next of just press Enter. If you found the key on the right bar, right click on it and select Delete. If you can't find it like what happened to me, don't worry, just skip this step and move to the next one.

4. Adwares and other malicious programs usually stay hidden. To show them up, we need to change our folder setting. Click Start button, and click Computer. Next click Organize and select Folder and search options.

5. Now, click on View tab and select Show hidden files, folders, and drives.

6. No hidden files anymore! Chrome extensions are stored in Chrome Extensions's default folders. IF you're using Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8, browse to C:\Users\your-username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data . In the search box on the upper right, type or paste the Registry ID and press Enter. The result will show you the Extensions folders. Delete them all by right click to the folder and click Delete.

Voila ! The Adware Extensions has been deleted and clean !

Note : If you're using Windows XP, browse to %UserProfile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data.

That's the tutorial about how to delete bad Browser Adware Extensions from Google Chrome. This trick works really great for me, so I hope it will works for you too. Have a nice day people, and Happy Browsing !


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