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Saturday, April 3


Share-Things goes to PR 4 !

This is an awesome surprise from Google. Almost 1 month I didn't post any but Google increase my Page Rank to 4 (from PR 2) ! Thanks for everyone who's support this blog and I'm sorry I can't update this blog too often. I'm doing my final project now...

PageRank Checking Icon

Thanks for everyone ^_^

Creative Commons License Copyright licensed by :Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. We allow people to copy and distribute our work provided they give us credit - URL backlink to the article or to the our homepage,http://share-everythings.blogspot.com.


elok langita said...

congratulation.. ^______^

Harsh Agrawal said...

This time Google page rank update come as a good news for bloggers. My main site page rank remains
at 5 but my new blogs page rank moved to page rank 3 :)

h4ura said...

congratz! keep blogging :D ^^ ...

FunBlogger said...


I was looking for some good quality websites to exchange links with and come across your site.
I have a websites Fun with blogger (page rank 3)that I would like to exchange links for with your website.


Title: Fun with blogger
url: http://myfundoo-blog.blogspot.com/
Description: A place to do fun with blogger-More Blogger Tutorials, Tricks,Widgets and updates
Your link has been added at: http://myfundoo-blog.blogspot.com/2009/10/blogroll.html

Please let me know your thought.

Thank you

idclicker said...

Congratulations Ame,bagi-bagi dong PR nya :)

Gus Ikhwan said...

selamat ya??
punyaQ dpet PR 2 padal baru berdiri 1 bulanan tapi google suka dengan beberapa keyword di blog saya

admin said...

sama bro...
aku belum sebulan dah dapat PR 2 !

uswah said...

congratulation friend....My PR blog is zerro.can you Xchange link?Your link was added to my blog.Confirm me Please.I'll be waiting

tomo said...

Good luck.Your blog is nice

jogjashoppingcenter.com said...

congrats friend, we will support your blog and your great blogpost

Amelia said...

@elok : thx ^^
@harsh : waw that's great !
@h4ura : ^^ thx
@ishan : I've added your link
@idclicker : hehe binun gmn cara baginya ya
@gus : congrats ^^ wah aq gak ngerti soal keyword ^^
@faqila : congrats !
@uswah : your link added
@tomo : thx ^^
@jogja : thx ^^

Unknown said...

Congratz :clap:

Keep it up

Xaivier said...

This is awesome. I just increase to PR 3 from PR 2. Congratulation.

Mawardi said...

salam kenal, blog ini tepat untuk belajar inggris

kibagus said...

happy blogging...!!
nice blog..!!!

waqasi said...


JENIE=) said...


google ranking really is weird, it goes up when you're not touching it and goes down when you're so busy with it. dunno what to think anymore.

hope to see you in my blogs again
life round meNyou

Chi said...

well done sist
congrats and salute 4 U.. ^_^

dinoo said...

selamat dh dapt pr 4, siip

hbb said...

congrats bos.... good job and good luck....

permainan said...

congratulations :)

Cinemax said...

selamat yahh,, keep posting semoga meningkat blog ranknya :)

Start Sharing Not Selling said...

selamat atas keberhasilannya, saya ingin juga bisa seperti anda.

Amelia said...

@all people : thanks a lot ^^ SO sorry I didn't visit this blog for long time ^^ But this is just awesome that people still go here ^^ Thanks !

dinoo said...

he he, congratulation amelia..!!
why people blog's so easy to get high page rank, what is the secret!!
Unfortunately this high pr blog is no follow, so i can't get free some backlink..
Just kidding amelia

wedding forever said...

selamat yah, ini prestasi yang hebat sudah mencpai PR4

Amelia said...

@dinoo : Thankssssssss :) hmm i don't know too.. unique articles?
@wedding forever : sama2 :)

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