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Monday, March 1


Paid-Review Decreases Quality of Your Writting/Blog?

It depends.......

I found a website/blog that its paid-article doesn't related to any topic on blog but written in really interesting way. 
I found a website/blog that its paid-review related to topic on blog but not written in interesting way. 
I found a website/blog full of good-written paid-review, related to blog's topic, written in very nice style, but not written by the owner (he/she paid (a) ghostwriter(s) for the articles).

Actually, is Paid-Review Decreases Quality of Your Writing/Blog? Once again, it depends..
My previous article about 'LinkFromBlog', a paid-review service,  make me know that not all people interesting on it. Why ?
1. Consumes time
2. Not easy to get approved by the advertisers
3. Most of them have to be written in good grammar English on English blog

Honestly, and no offense, it will be decrease Quality of Blog if :
1. Post paid-review that not related to any topic on blog
2. Use translator without check and edit the post (believe me, translator software is not that good when translate more than 2 sentences)

Then, once again, no offense, paid-review will be decrease Quality of Writting if :
1. Use translator without check and edit the post (ouch..! So please check the translated post once again before we post it)
2. Pay (a) ghostwriter(s) to write the article. This is such a nice way to get approved by advertiser. I've ever done it too. Big smile carved on my face when my post got approve but I almost can't fell the 'SPLASH!' in my heart. When my other post, written by myself, approved by advertiser, ouh.. I can heard big SPLASH! in me

So how to Increase the Quality both of them? I guess, you've known the answer long before you read this article.
Write paid-review related with our Blog's topic by ourself and do double-check if using translator software..

If you get stuck and pay a ghostwriter, that's okay. I won't force you to not to do it. Here is the trick, after your ghostwriter-article approved by advertiser, learn how they put word by word, grammar, sentences, paragraphs in such a good way. Try it by your self over and over until you can be good as them, or even better...Usually, people get bored when reading article with 'advertisement words' but if we can write it in such nice-style, that will be great !

Creative Commons License Copyright licensed by :Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. We allow people to copy and distribute our work provided they give us credit - URL backlink to the article or to the our homepage,http://share-everythings.blogspot.com.


febriyanto said...

yeah its depend on the way you write it, make an extra ordinary title may be a good trick, the writer must have the taste or review something.... :D

yeah, for the people who like it may be unique not bored.. not the matter copy paste or not.. but most of em just mampir only... :D
not all the people,
they look at the title first then decide to read or not, cuz title is the first think to be saw, make the title to uncommon K? hha, i think we should end this debate, so sorry if there are many words that hurt ur feeling of blogging :shakehand:....

What on 2012? said...

nice post.... keep it up..
give somethings that usefull...
i'll be watching...

general business said...

sometimes there are some writers to chased the target and narrow the time, so rarely noticed. Good input for the review authors.

Amelia said...

@febriyanto : okay
@what on2012 :Thank you ^^
@general : yap, I can say it will be more efficient to paid a ghostwriter to reach the target

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