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Wednesday, February 11


Indonesia's Tourism Destination

What will pop up in your mind when you read the title? Hmm... let me guess... BALI ! Right? Or I guess some of you never heard about "Indonesia" but you've ever heard about "Bali"...

I have funny experience when I chat to someone through YM. When I said that I'm from Indonesia, he didn't know it. I said, "Do you know Indonesia?"

"I don't know.... sorry", he replied.

So I asked again, "Do you know Bali?"

"Oh yeah! I know it!" he said, "So, which part of Bali is Indonesia?"

Pfff..... The correct question is --> "Which part of Indonesia is Bali?"
Yap, Indonesia contain thousand Islands which many of them is still virgin Island. Bali is an SMALL ISLAND in Indonesia. Small, believe me, Bali is small... So I'll write about another part of Indonesia that great for your holiday's destination. Have you ever heard of Bangka Island? Or Lembang? Or maybe... Ujung Pandang? The wordkeys are :

Fresh Air
and some are.... Cheap

I don't have so much money to go all over Indonesia. So, I'll be really appreciate every single post from whoever who has ever been travelling to Indonesia :) !

Travelling without trying that place's ethnic food is not exciting right? That's why I'll put information about Indonesian ethnic food here. I have many recipes, but I still find difficulties in translate the Indonesia's ingredients into English.. Please be patient :)


Anonymous said...

lol. i know i got that a lot in US. well, since Indonesia isn't a super metropolitan and rich country and there's nothing they know but Bali, Indonesia has been unknown for some people. but if Bali could be that great, so could the other city. don't you think so?

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