Welcome-! If you want to exchange link, please simply add my link on your blog/website then leave message in chat box at the bottom of the page... Thank you-Happy reading~~

Friday, January 22

How to Fix your Error Shoutmix

Maybe some of you face this problem. Today, suddenly some shoutmix didn't work. Some Blog-walkers can't put their link. This is so crucial since blog-walking is the common way to increase blog/website's traffic. So these tips may be useful...

1. Prune Messages
Delete all messages and refresh. You'll get your new shoutmix immediately.
Step :
- Login to shoutmix.com
- See General -> Prune Messages

- Choose Delete All Messages
- Type in your password then click Apply

But this doesn't guarantee for long time. If this happen again, you have to replay this step over and over...

2. Change with other widget
 Tired of doing 1st step over and over? Then you can choose this 2nd step. I suggest you to change your widget with another chat widget for a while..

Option :

Shoutmix.widget.me has similar template with shoutmix but you can't put any smiley nor change local time.

3. Upgrade to Premium
If you want to get more facilities, you can upgrade to Premium with $3/month

Okay, now you have fixed your shoutmix, but how can you promote your link??

1. Put Url on your message
You can do blogwalking and put your link on your message without www or http://

example : share-everythings.blogspot.com

6. Blogwalking to Premium Shoutmix
You can do blogwalking like usual on Premium shoutmix like:
- Kolom Tutorial
- O-om

7. Blogwalking to Chat box user except Shoutmix
Do blogwalking to another chat box user, example cbox. Some bloggers use cbox instead of Shoutmix. Great, isn't it?.

8. Comment
If you can't find another chat box, do comments ! Go to your friend's page and give comment. But remember ! Don't spam on their blog !

9. Be Active in Forum
This can be great alternative if you are an active member in forum. You can still "say hi" and promote your link.

Hope this article is helpful.. And I really really hope "shoutmix" problem will be fixed as soon as possible

For Indonesian version, you can go to this link : Mas Doyok (aka original poster)

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Google Hacked by A Girl from China

Google's recently expressed readiness to withdraw from China and to close all their operations there. The reason, the search engine giant has not put up with waves of attacks launched by hackers from the bamboo curtain country.

Beautiful hacker from China named Xiao Tian forced to leave Google in China

David Drummond, Senior Vice President, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer of Google says, it found a "very sophisticated attack" that comes from China on Google's infrastructure.

"The attacks made us decide to review the feasibility of our business operations in China," Drummond called Google's official blog, January 12, 2010.

Google to choose step back from China showed the enormity hacker community in the country.

Until July 2008, an estimated 4 million people have joined in hacker communities hackers. One of them is a special group of hackers who call themselves women Cn Girl Security Team.

This hacker group led by the Hunan-born girl, 6 September 1989 named Xiao Tian.

In mind, we might imagine that a hacker is a typical teenager growing up, with improvised performances - if not exactly a bad way - with thick glasses, a heavy smoker, unkempt hair unkempt and rarely shower for most of his life in front of the computer .

Apparently not the case with Xiao Tian. Although she mentions often stay up and the occasional smoke, but it looks very neat. At a glance, see the appearance, you may be surprised that he was a leader of a group of hackers whose members reach more than 2,200 people hackers women.

Xiao Tian said, she made the group because she feels that there needs to be a place for teenage girls like, who feel left out of the crowded world of hackers by hackers man who thinks that hackers women do not have enough skills.

Slowly but surely, Xiao Tian and the group began to break hackernya male dominance in the world of hacking. They aimed for celebrity status that carried by the hackers in China and opened up opportunities 'career' which is available tempting for a hacker who has a high reputation.

Although hackers club members Xiao Tian still relatively small compared with the population of hackers in China, but the 'organization' hackernya may be one of the biggest female group of hackers in China.

Scott Henderson, a retired U.S. soldier who is an observer and author of The Dark Visitor: Inside the World of Chinese Hackers never mentioned in the Indian DNA. "Unique Aspects of China's hackers sense of nationalism and collectivism. This contrasts with the western stereotype that hackers are generally independent and working individually in the basement of their residence, "he said.

However, lately, a trend that happens is 'cyber army' is fragmented and form a criminal capitalists and began to leave their sense of nationalism.

However, Henderson said, a time when there is a conflict involving China, the hacker would have to mobilize their groups and engage in a virtual world wars. And when the time comes, 'general' Xiao Tian will probably be one of China's leaders the army.

Read more!

Thursday, January 7

New haircuts? Why not?

Yes, why NOT ? Having new haircut can bring a new atmosphere around you. So what is the trend for 2010? Many of the top hairstylists were asked their opinion on what will be the most popular hairstyles in 2010. They have 3 tips for this season :

1. Diversity
Diversity is the key thing for 2010 .There will always be people who like long hair and those who like short hair, so cuts and styles will be adapted to the individual. Everything is a strong look that makes a big statement.

2. Versatility
Versatility will dominate in 2010.Versatility is a theme or idea for 2010 haircuts which more than one hairdresser predicts.We’ve grown accustomed to change and we will want to change our hair on a whim. Haircuts that allow styles to be easily maintained and yet allow maximum flexibility will be popular.

3. 2010 Popular Hair Color
Color is a mix of extremes, then what is the fashionable hair color in 2010. Bright shades created with metallic color will make anyone stand out. A more subdued look will also be popular, where color is blended for a soft, finished look.

The example is the strong look from short haircut of Rihanna. Yes, Rihanna seems to be the trendsetter of short haircuts. Some people say, Rihanna the BEST HAIRSTYLES IDEAS for 2010 ! Look at these

Amazing isn't it? You don't like Rihanna's style? Don't worry.. Check these out !

What are the keywords of 2010 trends for short hairstyles? Here they are....
* pixies
* piecey layers
* bold color
* asymmetry
* bowl-shaped cuts
* texture
* retro
* funky bangs
* big hair

And what about you who want to keep your long or medium hair? That's okay. A retro wave with fresh look, one side bang, or straight haircuts can light up your day in this 2010. Look at these...

Emo haircuts, that allows the expression you style and creativeness also become 2010 trend. The basic looks of Emo, which are short, or very long and dark (or light) hairstyles, looks great in asymmetricla lines and different color. But most people prefer to dye them black or totally light

A little touch of color dye can make your hair even more beautiful. So you have to make it blond? No ! If you have black hair, then it's your luck. Many celebrities dyed their hair become black to make a strong and independent looks. If your hair is black, try to give some metallic or light shades. It will make anyone stand out looking for your sexy haircuts. Look at these celebrities who dyed their color become black, nearly white, or just a simple natural color.

So have you got any ideas for new haircuts in 2010 ? New haircuts? WHY NOT ? Read more!

Wednesday, January 6

A little corner of Love

Few days ago, one of my best friends called me. We did a loonngggg chit chat because we haven’t contacted each others for months. Minutes later, we began to do girl talk, who dates with who, who got break up, who married who. But when I asked about her boyfriend, she got quite. Great, I think I did mistake here… I ask again, “What happened?”. She cried.. Crap !

Then she started to tell her story. Few months ago, she already broke up because her boyfriend did affair behind her. Not long time, she found the new one. Unfortunately, this new one is her ex’s friend in office. A little chaos happened. A little fight appeared. Then my friend (let’s call her A) tells her new one (Let’s call him… Z) what she has ‘done’ with her ex. Like what she guessed, Z was angry so bad and decided to separate. Dunno what happened, but they still contact each other. My friend, A, never ask about Z’s true feeling. They go together, watch movies together, but Z never say that he wants to be with A again. Then I ask.. 
Me         : Have you ever ask him if he wants to be with you again?
A             : I have
Me         : The answer ?
A             : He said “I don’t know.. maybe later”. I can’t ask him again. It’s me who did the wrong thing.
Me         : What have you done? You didn’t have any idea that your ex will have another girl right?
A             : Yeah.. I know.. but I don’t want to make Z hate me because asking about our relationship
Me          : How long is that ‘later’ ?
A             : I don’t know ! I don’t dare to ask him more… It’s me.. got it? It’s me who acted like a jerk…
Me         : Do you see yourself as a ‘trash’ ?
A             : In this case… maybe….
Me         : Are you a ‘trash’ ?
A             : Of course not  ! (then she quite)
Maybe.. I shouldn’t see myself like a ‘trash’ right? … Do you think that Z is a still a ‘boy’ ? Who still can’t see me and approved me as who I am? (she begin to cry..)
Me         : Maybe…  Hmmm…. Does Z still care about you?
A             : I think so.. Sometimes if he’s not busy, he ask me to hang out together, dinner… and.. sometimes grab my hand and ask me to sit near him…
Me         : But he always answer “I don’t know” ? Does he only looking for you when he’s getting bored?
A             : Yes…. And.. yes..
Me          : Do you really love Z ?
A             : Yes !
Me          : Do you want to marry him? And live with him forever?
A             : Yes, of course  !
Me         : Why ?
A             : It’s like…. I see everything I want from a guy on him !
Me          : Really?
A             : Yeaa…. Not all. He’s not good in making decision.. including his feeling itself..
Me           : Can you live forever with  a guy like that? OR.. A ‘boy’ ? (A laugh..)
A             : I don’t think so…
Me           : Then why do you want to marry him?
A             : Because he’s the best for me ! I don’t think I can’t found any other guy like him…
Me          : Are you sure? (quite)
IF.. after you marry him, he still bad in making any decision.. even for his own feeling, will you leave him?
A             : How can I leave him? Divorce? Impossible ! It’s a shame to make any divorce (Yes, it’s true.. some people in Indonesia still look divorce as a shame)
Me           : If it’s POSSIBLE, will you LEAVE him?
A             : ……………. I can’t live with a man who can’t make decision…
Me         : Then why you marry with that man if you know you can’t live with a man like that for forever?
She began to cry and ask me over and over what she has to do. I said,

“Marrying is a LIFE commitment not just a game. You can’t do “Undo” or press ‘ctrl+u’ or “ctrl+z’. You marry with that man, you ‘marry’ with the whole family… forever.."

She said it’s too hard for now to think like that. Her heart’s still trembling. She said that she really loves Z, but she can’t stand if Z doesn’t change his that-bad character of him. Then I said..

“Think carefully. See yourself years after this. Can you live with a man like that? For everyday? The decision is yours…”

Isn’t life confusing sometime? She Loves But She Hates in the same time. I haven’t married yet, but I’ve seen so many people got divorce because they married someone only for ‘love’ sake. Love makes them blind. Love makes them forget what is “marry” mean. Love makes them forget that ‘marrying’ is a Life commitment, a contract that has no period. We read many divorcing in news, especially celebrities.

If that what adults think about marrying, maybe we should learn from kids who still see marrying as a precious treasure that will live forever Read more!

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