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Tuesday, May 26

Welcome to Share-EverythingS

Welcome !
This is just a newbie's blog who is trying to improve her English :) When you know about this blog, maybe you think,

"Why is it 'everythingS' ? Should it be 'everything' with no S? Hello.. you should fix that, sis..."

Hahahah.. No, I won't. Why?? Let me tell you.. I know that 'everything' is written without S, but I just want to say that this blog is really about 'everything' ! not a single.. but many (tons in the future...) ! In English, we always put 's' or 'es' after noun to tell people that they are plural, not singular.. So I just want tell you (once again) that this blog is not just about A singular-everything. It is plural-everything(s).Everything about food, travel, christianity, movies, music, products, everything ! Maybe any English teacher who visit this blog will shout to me. But, hey, this is me :D A girl who likes to play with words :)

(English teachers.. please forgive me for breaking the rule.... And please correct me if there's any wrong tenses here-I'm sure there is :p)


And, why do I like sharing? Hmm... have you ever heard this quote, "giving is better than asking" ? I like this quote.. "Even the poor is provided by God" So basically, no one is really poor. We always have something to share.. ^^ so why don't I start sharing? Sharing is not always about money or asset, right ? ^^ even sharing a word of prayer is kind of "sharing" Read more!

How to remove "Undefined" - date in your blog

Have you ever face that problem? You upload a very beautiful template for your blogger then every date beside your post title become "Undefined" like this??

To solve that problem :
1. Open blogger page http://www.blogger.com and login to your account
2. Go to Settings of your blog you want to repair..
3. Go to Formatting
4. Change your Date Header Format, Archive Index Date Format, and Timestamp Format become like this

5. Click Save Settings

If everything is okay, the date beside your post title will work properly like this
Hope this information is useful ^^ Read more!

Saturday, May 23

Today's Quote[1]

These recent days, I have an online bible friend via YM. He always give me at least 2 verses every morning. One from Old Testament and the other is from New Testament. And it always amazed me how those verses always connected each other. Example, the verses I got yesterday :

John 20 : 27
The He said to Thomas, "Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe."

Numbers 23 : 19
God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act/ Does he promise and not fulfill?

Isn't it interesting? though that books where made in different years (centuries I think), it still connected each other in unique way. My friend ever said, "Thanks God first when you wake up then read His word. Do that before you eat, before you take a bath, before you go out from your house! Because His word is a wisdom and a light unto our path." I believe that's true...

Read more!

Friday, May 22

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Wednesday, May 20

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Read more!

Friday, May 15


Hello again !

There has been a long time since my last update hare :) before I post something.. I wanto to ask... how you put youtube video in my blog without make the loading time get much slower...

This blog become slower because of youtube video I put...

Can someone help me? Read more!

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